Apple Pie


Apple Pie and associated fruit pies can be found all over the world and the the terms “sweeter than apple pie” can easily be one of the most clichéd ideas in the English language. It is, in fact, very true thus it is immortalized as a cliché. People adore apple pies because it is sweet and tart and feels very comforting. It comes as a no surprise that apple pie is one of America’s most beloved dessert.


“As American as Apple Pie”

is also a popular term. Apple pie seems to have been one of those things endeared to the American culture as a whole. While the origins of the apple pie is unknown, its perfection is credited to the Americans. This is why the apple pie is one of the most popular dessert in America. It is very popular to the point that apple pie is served for breakfast, for lunch and even for dinner.

apple pieThe fruit pie is even made famous for several of its pop culture references which ties it down to the concept of America, like in the raunchy comedy “American Pie”. New York is referred to as the “Big Apple”.

Johnny Appleseed, the term “apples and oranges”, and the media mogul Apple have all cemented the place of apples in pop culture history which add more to the popularity of the apple pie.

All of these references to the APPLE lends to the growing popularity of the group which makes apple pie even more popular. The are all sorts of fruit pies made around the world and many recipies can be found in the various serch engine, local libaries and even some of the schools and educational establishments.

For other varieties of fruit pies try the Lime Pie a favourite from Florida and often called the Keys Lime Pie due to the fact that the limes for the ingredients come from the Florida keys.